Healthcare envelopes all the necessary and preventative measures taken to improve a person’s overall well-being. Our healthcare system is made up of healthcare providers who provide treatment for those that need it and provide preventative solutions for those that want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Healthcare should go hand in hand with quality care and follow these guidelines:

  • Healthcare is provided by a skilled professional that is knowledgeable in their healthcare field and can offer their patients more personalized attention and care.
  • The healthcare system should provide their patients with care in a timely and compassionate and efficient manner. The patient should always receive the proper help when they need it. The healthcare provider should spend adequate time with each patient so they can ask any questions they have and find the best possible course of treatment for each individual situation.

Quality healthcare is essential. Due to healthcare reform and the increased number of patients with medical coverage, the face time between the physician and patient are substantially reduced. Physicians are forced to work longer hours, spending majority of their time inputting information into the electronic health record system and less quality time with their patients.

Medical scribes are combatting poor quality care by assisting physicians with the lofty documentation requirements of the electronic health record.  This frees up providers to spend more time with their patients. The assistance of a medical scribe leads to more accurate documentation and a decrease in down-coded charts, which ultimately leads to higher reimbursements from billing companies.


Author ProScribe

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